Sunday, January 2, 2011

To start off...

Love. Such a funny little word. People use it so casually. Everyone “loves that new hairstyle”, they “love that paint color!” they “love this” and “love that”. Does that mean love is casual? Is it not the stuff dreams and songs are woven with? People are constantly thinking about it, singing about it, dreaming about it - hell I’m even writing about it now. It’s inescapable. Everyone is in search of this thing, an emotion, love. People are looking for it their whole lives. And what about those who find it? Are they the lucky ones? A life full That’s what everyone wants. The modern American Dream. Make it big in America, The magazines and all the songs, telling women and men how to find their love and if they happen to be so lucky as to find it, how to hold on to it. An endless game of catch and mouse. Give him this, but make sure not to tell him about that. And don’t ever, and I mean ever do this! Otherwise you’ll lose him forever. The love of your life, they say. Do people only get to love once? Each person has only one great love in their lives? What can anyone really believe anymore?

Every day I’m assaulted with stories of love. Internet love, “how I found my match made in heaven online!” High school love, we met when I was 16 and I knew from then on…. Made-for-TV-love, boy meets girl, blah blah blah. Second or third loves, I had a divorce but then I met so-and-so and I’ve never been happier. How much is true? How much can we as third party listeners actually believe? These people must have had their ups and downs, there’s no way they actually love each other that much do they? And if they do, then why can’t the rest of us find this perfect, easy love? And if everyone is looking for love, why is it so fucking hard to find someone with the same interests as you?

I feel like I can’t really write about love. I’ve never been in love, so what could someone like me say about it? Maybe a lot. Maybe you should stick around and find out.

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